Friday, July 13, 2007

Global Warming Computer Models Leave Too Much Out

Every now and then I come across an article that says everything relevant about the global warming alarmists. The one I just read sums up computer models of climate change, and illustrates that they leave out more than they can take in. As a result, the computer models can't even explain climate change that has already occurred. If atmospheric CO2 increases cause temperature increases, then why did temperature decrease from 1940 to 1975 when CO2 increased rapidly?

Obviously, something else was happening that had greater significance for climate change than CO2 variation. The historical record of climate change shows that the "something else" has happened hundreds of times before, and that increased CO2 followed temperature increases by roughly 800 years.

The reason for that is simple and clear. Climate change, which for hundreds of thousands of years has fluctuated primarily with solar cycles combined with orbital variations, produces warming periods which in turn increase water temperature and cause the release of enormous quantities of CO2 from the oceans. The historical record also shows that temperatures have then fallen while CO2 levels were still elevated.

The following paragraph, from "Global warming zealots are stifling scientific debate," addresses the shortcomings of computer models. Read it, then read the entire article by clicking here.

Since the beginning of time, climate has always changed. It has warmed and cooled faster than any contemporary change. Nothing happening at present is unusual. The atmospheric carbon dioxide content in the past has been hundreds to thousands of times the current figure and the world did not end. Quite the contrary — life thrived. Computer models are models, albeit primitive. They are not predictions, they are not scenarios. They don't do clouds. They don't do turbulence. They don't do unseen submarine emissions of greenhouse gases. They deal only with greenhouse gas emissions from volcanos in times of little volcanic activity. They don't do starbursts, which have probably given us the greatest climate changes on Earth. They don't do variations in cosmic ray fluxes, which produce clouds in the lower atmosphere. They don't do mountain building, plate tectonics and closing or opening of seaways, which have profound effects on climate.

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