Merry Christmas and an
outrageously Happy New Year!
outrageously Happy New Year!
Who said life begins at 75?
Offhand, I can’t think of anyone that nutty.
Except me.
I’m probably the first, but I’ll paraphrase: “The rest of
our lives began at 75.”
Trite but true.
But there is an element of best in all of this. We
appreciate how good we are to each other; how much we appreciate each other.
How we still bring nice surprises each day. And we are each other’s best travel
Speaking of travel, and you knew I would, we spent a Spring
month in Baja; a two-week cruise up the Bay of Cortez was sandwiched between
two very relaxing four-day stays in Cabo San Lucas. Among many highlights was
Alice petting a gray whale calf while its mother chaperoned, all the while me
dipping a GoPro in the water for whale eyeball video.
In August we went to storied Mendocino (and stayed in the
Hill House Inn, featured in Murder She Wrote,
which we never watched) for a Writers’ Conference. The highlight was when Alice
gave a two-minute pitch of her book, The
Lady With Balls, that was so well received that she now has an agent, and will
be published in July 2019 by Cypress House in Fort Bragg, Alice’s reward for five years
of diligent composing and revising.
There is no way to adequately describe how hard Alice worked
and is working on completing her memoir. Along the way she went from an avid
student of writing, to painstakingly applying what she learned to crafting over
300 pages detailing her journey into and through the male-dominated garbage
recycling industry. It’s an Only in
America story - poignant, humorous, heart warming, uplifting – Alice is
already planning the audio book, and further down the line, which actress
should portray her in the movie.

Alice is a good sport, and good company. In late September we
went to a reunion in Albuquerque of my old unit, the 81st Tactical
Fighter Wing, Royal Air Force bases Bentwaters and Woodbridge, Suffolk County,
United Kingdom, where I served my best five-year period (1970-1975) in the Air
Force as the base’s Budget Officer. We’re a bit older, our numbers are
shrinking, but a great time was had by all. I was stationed at Bentwaters as the
Viet Nam War ground down, in the darkest depths of the Cold War. Our 72 F-4 D
and E fighter-bombers primarily were tasked with stopping the Soviets and
Warsaw Pact tanks in the Fulda Gap on their way to crossing the Rhine, with
tactical nukes.
RAF Bentwaters reunion friends with a B-52, almost as old as us and still going strong - just like us!
We already have travels planned well into 2019: next year
April in Japan, then a two-week Fall Colors cruise, Canada and New England,
with Alice’s Reseda high school reunion group in September. May 2019 will find
us on a 27-day Grand European Sojourn cruise, from Amsterdam to Bucharest. We
picked this one and signed up early so that Alice could have a bathtub; she
doesn’t take showers, and I don’t take baths. But we’re very compatible, and surprisingly
In January I begin rehearsals for seven March performances of
Guys and Dolls, my fourth musical since
2014, as the bad guy (and non-singer) Lieutenant Brannigan of the NYPD. I'm also the off-stage voice of garage owner Joey Biltmore, and voice him with a New York whine I learned from watching old Warner Brothers movies. My third role, in disguise with a false mustache, is as one of the gambling gangsters in the Luck be a Lady scene. I keep
trying to enlist Alice for a play – she’s a natural actress – but she balks at
all the memorization and time-killing rehearsals.
The business Alice founded, Vulcan Wire, had its Christmas Party in San Leandro again this year hosted by CEO Mike Graffio, not far from its office and manufacturing buildings in Hayward.
Alice and I are as busy in retirement as in our working
days, and loving almost every minute. Travelling, writing, visiting friends and
family (not as much as we would like), walking to Cook’s Beach and playing ball
with Radar every day. Our motto: someone has to live a life like this; it might
as well be us.